Leptosome (White Lady part 1)
Leptosome is a reference to tall linear trees in the forest at night... when the light decreases and any noise resonates as thunder... Leptosome is a reference to fear... when you feel weak because everything surpasses you... when you can't see what's happening... when you can't defend yourself... then you have to trust without control... you have to become humble...
The white lady is an allegory of the humankind in the antropocene context... will it survive? No one knows because the strenghs of the earth have been waked up... and these strenghts can't be dominated... We have to trust... without certainty... Living with fear... and humility...

être là, se retrouver là, au delà des ambiguïtés

se retrouver libre, au delà des regards, liesse dans le profond silence

parfois une magie vaporeuse, craquements du fond des ténèbres

parfois une magie vaporeuse, craquements du fond des ténèbres

parfois une magie vaporeuse, craquements du fond des ténèbres

miasmes et nuisances

il est temps de revenir